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Project #1 - New Hope for Kids

What an honor to be helping this great organization during their 22nd annual Art of the Vine fundraiser. New Hope for Kids is Central Florida’s largest grieving center for children and families. We were so happy we could assist with all their moving and transportation needs! Countless bottles and glasses of vine all delivered safe and sound!

Client Feedback

“I am filled with immense gratitude as I type this heartfelt note of appreciation for your exceptional support during the Art of the Vine event.

Your willingness to devote your time and energy to ensure the smooth execution of every aspect of the event did not go unnoticed. From loading the truck, setting up the silent auction, and prepping the wine bars, to assisting with the live auction at the event, your efforts have significantly enhanced the overall experience for our dedicated guests.

Thank you once again for your selflessness and commitment. Your dedication has truly made a difference, and we are grateful for your outstanding efforts.”

Gloria Capozzi,

Associate Director/ Marketing and Volunteer Engagement

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